1961 soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin made one orbit in vostok 1 and safely returned to earth 苏联宇航员尤里?加加林乘坐宇宙飞船"东方1号"围绕地球飞行一周,安全返回地球。
Russian astronaut yuri gagarin , the first human in space , left the earth in vostok 1 on april 12th 第一位遨游太空的人类- -苏联宇航员加加林于1961年4月12日乘东方1号航天飞船离开地球。
The launch of china ' s first astronaut comes 42 years after soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin became the first man in space aboard vostock 1 中国首位宇航员的发射升空是在苏联宇宙飞行员尤里?加加林搭载在东方一号飞船上成为太空第一人42年后进行的。
The soviets had much more thrust power ; they launched the first inhabited capsule with a dog in it , and then in 1961 made cosmonaut yuri gagarin the first human to orbit the earth 苏联一路高歌猛进:他们发射了第一艘载人飞船,当时其中搭载的是一只狗,接着于1961年让尤里?加加林成为首位进入地球轨道的宇航员。
Since then , space technology has become a burgeoning industry : in 1961 , yuri gagarin became the first human in history to orbit the earth . in 1969 , man set foot on the moon , a celestial body more than 380 , 000 kilometres away 自此,太空科技发展一日千里1961年,尤利加加林成为第一位环绕地球飞行的太空人1969年,人类首次踏足远在380 , 000公里外的月球。